Mobile. Dynamic. Digital.
The solution’s right in front of you!
A new medium to reach consumers.
A captive audience of 220 million commuters spending 84 billion hours on the road each year.
Harness the untapped space on the rear windows of cars!
Expand your advertising with dynamic digital, geo-fenced mobile media.
Connect with a captive consumer audience stuck in traffic.
Start your campaign today!
UVertz Ads Drove McDonald’s Visits - 68% Lift!
Case Study
Consumers who saw our advertisements on the rear windows of Ubers and Lyfts throughout South Florida were 68% more likely to visit a McDonald's location than people who didn’t see the ads. This case study was conducted by independent third party, Mira, a Reveal Mobile company, one of the leaders in the field of measuring the effectiveness of OOH campaigns.