The Beginning

Both Uber and Airbnb fundamentally changed the transportation and hospitality industries by altering the way car owners and homeowners make use of their property. Uber reassessed the value of labor. Airbnb redefined the value of space. One day while stuck in traffic, John Z. Shafai looked through that prism and UVertz was born. Why not do BOTH? Why not tap into the intersection of passive labor and unused space? With UVertz, a car window can be space for hire by advertisers. A driver’s commute time can be labor for hire.

With John’s partner Ken Dhouti (not just a high school buddy, but an MBA with 25 years of advertising experience), UVertz set off to work. Over the past year we have filed 2 patents, we have a third patent in the works, we have completed our first round of seed funding, we have software and apps for iOS and Android near completion, we have developed several prototypes in the quest for our first MVP, and we have a team of marketers in place. Our launch is imminent. We are excited. And we expect our little startup to become a household name very soon.

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