Effective OOH Advertising

The most recent Nielsen study reveals that 90% of travelers in the United States have noticed out of home (OOH) advertising in the past month and 80% have noticed OOH ads in the past week.

Remarkably, 66% of smartphone users took some type of action on their devices after seeing an OOH ad, with more than 40% searching for a brand online after seeing the ad. 74% of those who visited a business after seeing a directional OOH ad actually made a purchase.

With UVertz, advertisers can extend and amplify their campaigns with street level messages to engage consumers where they spend 70% of their waking hours – outside their homes. With a captive audience of 220 million drivers spending 84 billion hours on the roads each year, UVertz is the solution that is right in front of you.

Aimee DrysdaleComment