UVertz Ads Drove McDonald’s Visits - 68% Lift!
Case study
Consumers who saw our advertisements on the rear windows of Ubers and Lyfts throughout South Florida were 68% more likely to visit a McDonald's location than people who didn’t see the ads. This case study was conducted by independent third party, Mira, a Reveal Mobile company, one of the leaders in the field of measuring the effectiveness of OOH campaigns.
Advertise on High-Visibility, Rear Windows of Cars.
UVertz is an innovative, digital outdoor advertising company. We are revolutionizing digital marketing with groundbreaking time and geo targeted advertising platforms to connect advertisers directly to consumers by leveraging the untapped digital space on the rear windows of cars.
Advertise with us.
The solution is right in front of you. Harness the untapped space on the rear windows of cars. Reach a captive audience of 220 million commuters spending 84 billion hours on the road each year. Expand your out-of-home advertising with dynamic messaging based on geography, demographics, and time of day.
Mobile. Dynamic. Digital. Effective.
Drive with us.
Gas prices, car payments, insurance, maintenance and repairs getting you down? UVertz is here to help. Become a UVertz Partner and make up to $400 per month. Make money while you drive. Download the UVertz app. Display ads on your rear window. We pay you for doing what you’re already doing!
You drive, we pay!
“We are disrupting OOH advertising.”
John Z. Shafai | CEO, UVertz

About UVertz.
UVertz places geo-targeted digital ads on the rear windows of gig economy cars. Our digital out-of-home media platform can be leveraged to inform or remind consumers on the path to purchase that your brand is a terrific option. Our platform offers a bold new physical presence. It cuts through the clutter. And it cannot be skipped or ignored.
With UVertz, you can serve consumers ads while they’re away from home and making shopping decisions. Given the sheer volume of consumer choices, media and frequent messaging are now even more important to advertisers – it’s how brands win market share and stay relevant to evolving audiences. With this motion, novelty, and unexpected newness, our platform combats the repetition blindness that plagues more traditional advertising campaigns and incumbent media.
Because UVertz is digital, we can add or modify ads remotely or automatically change messaging based upon the car’s location or the time of day. Your messaging can always be on topic and relevant to consumers.
Some of the Brands We’ve Helped.
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the next level?
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